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In a Meeting


Whether you're collaborating with others or seeking the flexibility to work where, when, and how you want without losing the ability to share knowledge and expertise, your employees will have new expectations for their workplace. Let Dapt help you discover how to improve collaboration within your organisation.

Low Friction

Providing a platform that allows users to move in and out of a collaboration space with ease is key to its success. If users are constantly having to switch context when collaborating then they will find easier paths. At Dapt, we're experts in showing the art of the possible and how users can collaborate effectively.

Part of the Culture

Many organisations use Microsoft Teams and other tools to collaborate but unless it is embedded as part of the 'way we work' then you will never truly be getting the full benefit of collaboration in Microsoft 365. Let Dapt show your organisation how, by embedding a culture of collaboration and best practices so your users can work smarter.


Collaboration is most effective in active, dynamic areas. Stagnated, out of date workspaces can stifle the collaboration buzz and push users towards traditional silos. Collaboration is more than Teams, it's the entire Microsoft suite working in harmony to provide a truly exceptional experience where ideas can thrive and work can get done.

Are you at this stage?

Ensure teams are working effectively and securely. Inspire creativity and share ideas through effective collaboration

You have rolled out SharePoint and/or Microsoft Teams but purely for document storage, chat, calls and meetings.


You are unsure how to launch SharePoint or Teams into the business and are worried things may get out of control.


With all of the possible ways to collaborate you are unsure what a modern collaboration architecture looks like and need support and help getting to the best solution for your organisation.


If you're still unsure then why not take our Dapt Frameworks assessment to help uncover which areas you may need help and support with.

Young Businesswomen


Discover the what is possible with Microsoft 365 and utilise our qualified Business Analysts to really understand your requirements

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